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How To Choosing A Hosting Plan: Shared or VPS

  • Aug 12, 2024
  • 0
  • by Jeff Rooks

One of the common hosting dilemmas for small businesses and similar entities is choosing shared web hosting or a Virtual Private Server (VPS). The wrong choice could lead to poor performance or overpaying for resources you don’t need. But with many options and technical jargon, how do you make the smart choice?

Shared hosting is a cost-effective, entry-level service that’s ideal for smaller websites, blogs, startups, and new businesses. If you’re a beginner or want to promote your small business while saving money, shared hosting is for you.

VPS hosting offers more resources and better performance. It could be what you need if you expect higher traffic, rapid growth, or specific performance requirements.

But of course, there’s more to it than that! Let’s look at the pros and cons of shared hosting and VSP hosting so you can make the best, most cost-effective choice.

Understanding Shared Hosting

Shared hosting is a popular web hosting plan where multiple websites share the resources of a single physical server. In this setup, each website has its own partitioned space on the server but shares the CPU power, RAM, storage, and bandwidth. This allows hosting providers to serve a large number of websites while keeping costs low for individual users.

Users typically access their shared hosting accounts through a control panel provided by the hosting provider. This user-friendly interface enables them to manage various aspects of their websites, such as uploading files, creating email accounts, managing databases, and monitoring resource usage.

Pros and Cons of Shared Web Hosting

Shared hosting offers several advantages that make it an attractive choice for beginners, small businesses, and personal websites:

Pros of Shared Hosting

Shared hosting offers several advantages that make it an attractive choice for beginners, small businesses, and personal websites:

  • Affordability: Shared web hosting is cost-effective as the server resources are shared among multiple users, reducing individual costs.
  • Beginner-Friendly Management: Providers typically offer user-friendly control panels, making it easy for beginners to manage their websites without technical expertise.
  • Scalability: While shared hosting may have resource limitations, many providers offer scalable plans allowing users to upgrade resources as their website grows.
  • No Technical Skills Required: Users don’t need advanced technical skills because the hosting provider manages the server.

Cons of Shared Hosting

However, shared web hosting also has some drawbacks to consider:

  • Limited Resources: Resources such as CPU, RAM, and bandwidth are shared among multiple websites, potentially leading to performance issues if you generate a lot of traffic.
  • Potential for Slower Speeds During Peak Times: Since resources are shared, websites may experience slightly slower loading times during peak hours when server usage is high.
  • Less Control Over Server Configuration: Users have limited control over server settings and configurations compared to dedicated or VPS hosting, which may limit certain functions.
  • Security Risks Due to Shared Environment: While most hosting providers take extensive steps to keep their hosting customers safe and secure, there is a slightly higher risk of vulnerabilities inherent because there are multiple sites on each server.

A Closer Look at VPS Hosting

VPS hosting offers a more powerful hosting solution compared to shared hosting, where a physical server is partitioned into multiple virtual servers. Each operates as an independent unit with its own dedicated resources. This allows most of the benefits of a dedicated server without the high costs associated with leasing an entire physical server.

Pros of VPS hosting

Let’s look at why VPS hosting is considered to be a step up from shared hosting:

  • Dedicated Resources: VPS hosting provides dedicated resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage, ensuring consistent performance even during peak traffic times. Your website remains fast no matter the resources that you – or the other clients on your server – are using at any given time.
  • Scalability: As a website grows and demands more resources, users can easily scale their VPS to accommodate the increased traffic or resource requirements. Most hosting providers offer scalable VPS plans, allowing users to upgrade or downgrade their resources as needed without website downtime or complicated migrations.
  • Control and Customization: Depending on the hosting plan, users have more control over their configuration. This allows you to customize your environment to your specific needs.
  • Performance: VPS hosting generally outperforms shared hosting due to its dedicated resources and isolated environments. Each virtual server operates independently, ensuring that the actions of one user do not impact the performance of others. This leads to faster loading times, better server response, and improved overall website performance. The dedicated resources also provide a higher level of stability and reliability compared to shared hosting.

Cons of VPS hosting

However, VPS hosting also comes with some drawbacks:

  • Cost: VPS hosting tends to be more expensive than shared hosting due to the dedicated resources and advanced features provided. However, the cost varies depending on the chosen resources and configuration.
  • Complexity: Managing a VPS requires more technical expertise compared to shared hosting. Users need to be familiar with server administration tasks such as software installations, security configurations, and troubleshooting.
  • Maintenance: VPS hosting requires regular maintenance tasks such as software updates, security patches, and server optimizations to ensure optimal performance and security. Users are responsible for managing these tasks or may opt for managed VPS services at an additional cost.

When Should You Choose Shared Hosting or VPS Hosting?

When deciding between shared hosting and VPS hosting, it’s essential to consider the specific needs and requirements of your website. Each hosting type caters to different use cases, and understanding which one aligns with your goals can help you make an informed decision.

Best Use-Cases for Shared Hosting

Basic Websites

Shared hosting is an excellent choice for a basic website for your business or organization, especially if you are just getting started. They are easy to use and require very little maintenance or extensive technical knowledge. Like most hosting companies, A2 Hosting offers offer user-friendly control panels and intuitive tools, allowing beginners to launch a website quickly and easily.

Small Blogs and Personal Projects

Small blogs and personal projects are another ideal use case for shared hosting. These websites often have limited resource requirements and don’t expect high levels of traffic. Shared hosting provides an affordable and straightforward solution for hobbyists and bloggers who want to focus on creating content rather than dealing with technical complexities.

Small Business Websites

Small businesses can also benefit from shared hosting, especially when they are just starting or operating with a tight budget. Shared hosting offers a cost-effective way to reach potential customers. As your business grows, you can easily upgrade to higher-tier shared hosting plans or consider moving to VPS hosting for more resources and flexibility.

Niche Online Stores

Niche online stores with low to moderate traffic should also take advantage of shared hosting. Depending on your overall traffic, you can easily maintain up to a few dozen specialized products with a shared plan. Alternatively, consider a specialized eCommerce plan like our WooCommerce Hosting that offers better performance without the cost and technical skills required for a VPS plan.

Best Use-Cases for VPS Hosting

Scaling SMBs

VPS hosting is well-suited for scaling small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). As your web traffic increases, you can scale your server to handle the growing demands without compromising performance.

eCommerce Platforms

eCommerce platforms with higher traffic and sales volumes often require the enhanced performance and security features offered by VPS hosting. With dedicated resources and improved isolation, VPS hosting ensures faster loading times, better server response, and a more secure environment for processing your online transactions. Plus, you can customize server configurations and implement specific security measures to keep your site and your customers safe..

Online Service Providers

Online service providers, such as Software as a Service (SaaS) platforms, rely on consistent uptime and fast load times to deliver a seamless experience to their users. VPS hosting provides the necessary resources and stability to support these requirements. With dedicated CPU, RAM, and storage, online service providers can ensure reliable performance and minimize the risk of downtime, which is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and trust.

Applications Requiring Custom Software

Applications that require custom software installations or specific server configurations can greatly benefit from VPS hosting. The increased control and flexibility provided by VPS hosting allow users to install and configure the necessary software stack to run their applications optimally.

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting: An Overview of A2 Hosting’s Plans

When it comes to choosing between shared web hosting and VPS hosting, you should consider more than just the basic pros and cons of plan. Not all hosting is the same and plans vary from company to company.

At A2 Hosting, we offer a range of shared and VPS hosting plans, with each catering to a specific need or budget. Here is what you need to know about our plans so you can decide whether shared or VPS hosting is right for you.

The Similarities Between Our Shared Hosting and VPS Hosting

The biggest advantage of choosing A2 Hosting is that you get the same high-quality infrastructure across our hosting plans.

While the exact specifications vary by service, all of our servers are optimized for performance. You will get fast page load speeds that will set you apart from the competition.

You also guaranteed exceptional reliability with our 99.9% uptime commitment. Forget about outages or downtime, your customers or visitors will be able to load your website with virtually no interruptions.

Plus, every A2 Hosting plan includes our 24/7/365 Guru Crew support team. Get the assistance you need when you need it so your website always loads its best.

The Differences Between Our Shared Hosting and VPS Hosting

There are several notable differences when you compare our Shared and VPS Hosting.

General resources:

  • Our shared hosting provides up to 4 cores (on Turbo plans), while VPS hosting offers up to 8 cores on non-Turbo plans and up to 10 cores on Turbo plans.
  • Shared hosting gives you up to 4GB of RAM (on Turbo plans), but VPS hosting offers up to 16GB on non-Turbo plans and up to 32GB on Turbo plans.

Dedicated IP:

  • Our Managed VPS plans include two free dedicated IPs. With shared hosting, a dedicated IP is an available add-on.

Added security:

  • While our shared hosting provides robust security features like malware scanning, two-factor authentication, daily kernel updates, DDoS protection, virus scanning, and firewalls, our VPS plans offer additional enterprise-grade security through advanced security modules.
  • VPS plans also include on-demand backup availability in addition to the cloud backups that come with shared hosting.

More control:

  • VPS hosting comes with available root access, giving you administrative control over all files on your server. This level of control is not available with shared hosting.
Choose the A2 Hosting Plan That Suits You Best

A2 Hosting has a variety of plans and options, so you can find the right balance of performance, features, and price for you. When it comes down to choosing between Shared Web Hosting and VPS Hosting, you need to consider your specific needs.

Our Shared Hosting is an affordable option if you host a basic website or are just getting started. Whereas our VPS Hosting offers between performance, dedicated resources, and more flexibility.

If you need better performance without the added features of our VSP Hosting, you can always upgrade to our Turbo Web Hosting. Complete with upgraded processors, storage, and RAM for turbo performance up to 20X faster, they might be the perfect balance of speed and value. Compare all of our Shared Hosting plans to see what is right for you.

No matter which plan you choose, you can always upgrade quickly and easily. A2 Hosting can even migrate your site to a new, more powerful server. Just contact our support team or submit a support ticket from your MyA2 dashboard to start an upgrade.

If you still aren’t sure what plan is right for you, you can compare all of our hosting plans or chat with our knowledgeable sales team. They can help you choose the best option for your needs.