Upgrading To Magento 2

Upgrading To Magento 2


If you are a Magento user, you’re probably well aware of the fact there is a beta version of Magento 2 currently available. Since this is a beta version, you won’t want to upgrade your production site quite yet. However since this beta version will eventually lead to a stable version, now is as good of a time as any to start planning your upgrade. That way you can get the fastest and most secure version when Magento 2 becomes available.

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The Dramatic Performance Increase Of PHP 7

The Dramatic Performance Increase Of PHP 7


In previous blog posts, including our comparison of HHVM vs PHPNG, we talk about how PHP 7 typically beats HHVM by up to 20% and it is up to 100% faster than PHP 5.6 (even though we do need to run our own performance comparisons here at A2 Hosting). These numbers are definitely provide a nice broad overview of the dramatic performance boost and memory efficiency enhancements offered by PHP 7.

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Fight Back Those Nasty Hacks

Fight Back Those Nasty Hacks


Hacks are an unfortunate reality when you run your own website. The malicious nature of hackers can turn a successful website into a nightmare in a matter of seconds. While no website is immune against hacking, there are many things you can do protect yourself, your clients, and your revenue. Here’s a quick overview of some common practices that can help you keep your website safe and secure:

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